
Thursday 28 April 2016

Launch Party - Join Us

Celebrate International Nurses Day with us on the 12th May 2016 at the Rose Theatre, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT1 1HL. We are exhibiting the work of over 180 authors and artists in the fabulous   Art of Caring exhibition. The Launch Party is from 4-6pm and features more than 330 poetic and artistic postcards from all over the world, and we welcome everyone who would like to join us on this special day.

The Art of Caring is an inclusive exhibition that showcases a diverse range of talents, giving us an insight to the world of Caring and Care. Resilience is our special theme this year and is inspired by the International Council of Nurses worldwide celebration for 2016: Nurses: A Force for Change: Improving health systems' resilience.

The exhibition will be open from the 12th - 24th May 2016,  10am-6pm daily on the Upper Gallery floors at the Rose Theatre. There are refreshment available downstairs in The Rose CafĂ©.



Tuesday 5 April 2016

Submissions closed Art of Caring 2016

Thank you to everyone who entered the Art of Caring this year. We've has a fantastic response full of talented artwork and generosity of spirit. More details will be appearing here in the next few days but I'm happy to announce we have 184 artists exhibiting 329 artworks and poems with us this year.

Praying with Mrs. Cooper
by The Rev. Robin Pfaff
This year's crop include 3 artworks from The Rev. Robin Pfaff, he told us about his motivation to get involved, "As a hospital chaplain I often meet people at a time of intense change, but these encounters usually show me something of the indomitable human spirit. Healthcare professionals, however, who are regularly exposed to highly traumatic situations need to find their own way of coping and build up a resilience that is both sturdy as well as tender. Talking about what we do and see can be extremely difficult, as we all have a tendency to avoid emotional pain."