
Monday 4 May 2020

Laura Parker, Gabriella Ranito-Baltazar, Julie Bennett and Martina Scott - Art of Caring 2020

Welcome to the Art of Caring 2020. Today we introduce the work of 4 artists who have contributed work to this year's exhibition.... Laura Parker, Gabriella Ranito-Baltazar, Julie Bennett and Martina Scott. The Art of Caring is an annual inclusive international art exhibition celebrating Nurses, Midwives, Carers, and the NHS. Thank you to the School of Nursing at Kingston University for their support.

Laura Parker
"During the Coronavirus pandemic I have a doctor friend in Italy who is on the front line of caring for Covid19 patients.  As well as being the director of emergency services for one particular hospital , since January this year he is also managing the task force for the whole of the Abruzzo region. As he says, he’s dealt with tragedies such as deadly earthquakes, but has never had to deal with something like this pandemic. As so many doctors all over the world, he is working every hour he can, pushing himself and his team to the limit, and of all the people I know I am most admiring and most worried about him.  Every Thursday evening, standing on my doorstep clapping as hard as I can, I think of him and of all the other front-line doctors and nurses everywhere who are doing such courageous work."
Laura Parker 2020
I am a self-taught artist and painter, and enjoy discovering different ways of depicting the world around me, from expansive landscapes, to dramatic underwater views and intimate still lifes.
Originally a historian of art and architecture, then a curator and consultant in the architectural field, I turned later in life towards the direct experience of creating artworks myself. 
I work predominantly in acrylics or oils on canvas, but I also explore the use of other materials.  I enjoy using colour to enhance and add drama to a painting and so help communicate my artistic vision, as well as bringing energy and vitality to my paintings.
My aim as a painter is to express the hidden beauty I find in objects and scenes, offering the viewer a personal interpretation of the world where our individual sensibilities might meet.

Martina Scott
Julie Bennett
Gabriella Ranito-Baltazar

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